Staying Informed on Energy Supply & Reliability

Canadian Tariff Concerns

Crow Wing Power is aware of member concerns regarding the United States' relationship with Canada and a proposed tariff agreement. We’ve been in communication with our wholesale power provider, Basin Electric, and remain confident in the systems and teams in place to ensure reliable energy supply. Please read blog with more information on this situation.

2025 Director Election

Opens January 30 and closes April 15, 2025

Crow Wing Power’s Board of Directors is made up of member-owners like you, dedicated to representing our community’s interests. The Board oversees the cooperative’s operations and strategic direction, ensuring the needs of all members are met. Each year, three director positions are up for election. For 2025, elections will be held for Districts 1B, 2A, and 3 AtLarge. Elected directors serve a three-year term, contributing their time and skills to guide our cooperative forward. The filing period for candidates opens Thursday, January 30, 2025, and closes on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. Members interested in running can learn more about board responsibilities, qualifications, and time commitments by clicking the button below or contacting the Cooperative at 218-829-2827.

Scholarship Deadline Approaching

Crow Wing Power Scholarships' Deadline is March 31, 2025

Crow Wing Power understands the importance of education. In today's economy, it is often difficult for students to afford to continue their education following high school. As part of our commitment to the communities we serve, we want to help make attending college more affordable for our students. We have three scholarship options available and each one's deadline is March 31. Learn more about the scholarships we have available and how to apply.